Nerdsworth Academy


Magic Combat.

Duels of the Planeswalkers: Porting Magic to the PC… again

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Good afternoon everyone, Happy October! Yes, it’s that time of the year again, when the leaves turn the color of orange, yellow and brown construction paper children make hand-turkeys out of. I woke up from a late-night Civilization 5 binge and had ate my Cheerio’s knock-off cereal, and felt the need to get some gaming […]

The Sun rises over a city.

Civilization 5: Why must you suck away my life?

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Hey all, It’s true: Civilization 5 has been released and my soul has been taken captive once again. I’ll be playing “just one more turn” into the wee hours of the morning this weekend for sure. Sid Meier’s Civilization 5 (known as “Civ 5” to the in-crowd) is the latest incarnation of Sid Meier’s Civilization […]

R.U.S.E.: 10 Minute Test

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Hey all, Last week I saw one of my TMZ gaming buddies, Majiviper, playing the demo for a game called R.U.S.E. I hadn’t seen or heard anything about this game. Intrigued by the possibility of a new strategy game to get excited about/obsessed with, I went onto Steam to see if I could learn more […]

Starcraft 2: Single Player Campaign Review

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Hi All, I recently completed the single player campaign for Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty and decided to shared my thoughts about it with the world. Starcraft 2 is a game that needs no introduction, but I’ll give it a quick one for the campaign for those of you who haven’t played it (yet). The […]

Third Age: Total War: Forth Eorlingas! Part 1

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It began with the Great King Thengel, the Ancient and Cunning One.  He ruled Rohan with a kind, but firm fist until the end of his days.  Though his rule was long, Rohan did not prosper as much as it may have. No, alas, the Mark was besiege…

Preparing a fun Third Age: Total War Recap

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Hi all,
Just writing a quick update as it’s been far, far too long since I’ve done so. 
I’m currently working on a cool recap of my Third Age: Total War campaign.  I played as Rohan, and played the game on Very Hard / Very Hard (campaign and…

Starcraft 2: 4v4 Strategy

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Hello World,
Just thought I’d write a little bit more about my impressions of the Starcraft 2 beta before the beta goes away for a few weeks.  Okay, yes, the beta has been extended until 7 June, but my brief time with it is just about up (at leas…

Starcraft 2: Patch 13 – Ultralisks squishier?

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Hey all,
I just am popping down for a few minutes to write about a few of my thoughts regarding the latest patch for the Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty beta. 
Okay, I’m a Zerg player.  I play Zerg more than 90% of the time.  I think I’ve…

Starcraft 2: FFA Woes

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Hey all,
Once again, I’m sorry for the slowness of the updates.  I finally finished up my schooling so I should be able to post several times a week once again.  Now, on to the topic at hand:
Starcraft 2: Free-for-Alls (4 player):
Okay, I kn…

Third Age: Total War + IRL Stuff

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Hey all,
I know I said that I would write some more Starcraft 2 beta impressions.  And I will.  However, before I get down and dirtier with the beta that is consuming my life, I just thought that I would write a little bit about an awesome m…